Halalnihil – Meqbaszni Minden Rákos Embert A Földön CDr
Halalnihil – Meqbaszni Minden Rákos Embert A Földön CDr
Psychoacoustic Castration
Halalnihil is a project from Hungary. All I know about Hungary is that it is supposed to contain the most depressed population in the world and that the song Gloomy Sunday hails from the country. Halalnihil’s sound isn’t any more lighthearted than that song but it is a hell of a lot more aggressive.
In Meqbaszni Minden Rákos Embert A Földön, Halalnihil skillfully mixes elements of harsh noise and power electronics to offer 4 tracks of varied yet focused and consistent harsh sounds. The vibe here is hardcore and angry noise with spoken passages in Hungarian which to my American ears sounds downright creepy.
This short disc only spans 20 minutes but evolves well especially in the excellent track Harmadik Rész where Halalnihil leaves some dead air time to sit back and leave the listener with their tortured thoughts only to have absolutely horrid screeching electronics blast in and interrupt any peace of mind that might have been formed.
I like the production here, it’s maybe a touch sanitary but it’s clear and intense. The disc itself has more of a demo feel – delivered in a slimline plastic jewel case with photocopied artwork – the packaging is nothing special but it gets the job done. As a first exposure to the project it’s a good effort and I can see a lot of potential here. Welcome to the international noise world Hungary.
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