The new installment of Malignant compilation is out now!
This 2016 edition showcases the talents of Theologian, Xiphoid Dementia, Phelios, Phragments, Shibalba, TOMB, Aderlating, Steel Hook Prostheses, Gnawed, Analfabetism, Of Earth And Sun and Leila Abdul-Rauf and more! The compilation is available for download purchase or to stream free here.
Jib Kidder – New Works for Realistic Mixer 2016 CD-r
Care of Editions
Every so often, a record label forms to transform some aspect of the industry, however minute or grand. Care Of Editions‘ shtick is offering a certain number of paid (as in you get paid to download) downloads for every physical copy sold of an album sold. The handy guide in the back tells me that there is a non-linear, inverse relationship between vinyl sales and downloads. The more vinyl sold, the more one is paid because …
Dear EE patrons,
I have been inundated with work, but will resume publishing reviews very soon.
Those of you who have sent material to be reviewed, rest assured, all of it will
be digested and written about.
We would like to introduce Headstone Brigade which is the new folk project of Egan Budd/Xiphoid Dementia with this free downloadable and streaming EP featuring covers and traditional arrangements of folk songs. Headstone Brigade’s sound can be described as neofolk or melodramatic pop with a sea shanty twist due to the main instrument of accordion being featured in almost all tracks. This free EP is a precursor to a full-length which is coming later this year on Brave Mysteries.
Please check out the EP Divine Vestiges over at Headstone Brigade’s bandcamp …
Based in two locations, Ionophore is the product of Leila Abdul-Rauf, Jan Hendrich, and Ryan Honaker. Dark electronics, beats, industrial soundscapes – Ionophore weaves in and out of styles on their second full length album entitled Sinter Pools. The album has been stuck in my rotation for a while as I’ve been inclined towards something more pleasant but still rewarding to listen to. As such, Sinter Pools is saturated with electronic manipulations and organic instrumentation that are densely packed into an album that is easily one of …