Rei Rea – Quel Que CD

15 March 2011 tankakern No Comment

Rei Rea -Quel Que CD

Brise-Cul Recordings

Rei Rea’s Quel Que is a short album that consists mostly of ominous drones and lonely ambient melodics. Occasional bursts of distortion appear here but this album is mostly repetitive drones and spacey synth work. Unfortunately, it seems as though the concept has consumed Quel Que, leaving us with a stripped down chunk of boring, monotonous ambience.

Quel Que is obviously supposed to be a haunting and moving piece; the fact is that it is neither. The only sort of variation present here is the difference between the different sounds each track takes on, the rest is absolute filler garbage. I’m left trying to decide if thirty minutes wasn’t enough for Rei Rea to fully flesh out the execution of Quel Que or whether thirty minutes was far too much for him to handle. The tone is dismal and the atmosphere is ominous but Quel Que is a serious rip off of just about every dark ambient work out there. The repetition here is not used efficiently enough to create any real aural space, leaving the listener with long bouts of dullness.

Dark ambient can be a tricky genre to play in, as creating an atmosphere with sound is a pretty advanced concept. Quel Que is an album that flirts with that concept but fails to bring a truly moving sound. This is definitely an album one can pass on.

Composition: ★★☆☆☆
Sounds: ★☆☆☆☆
Production Quality: ★★☆☆☆
Concept: ★☆☆☆☆
Packaging: ★★☆☆☆
Overall Rating: ★½☆☆☆

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