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Biava/Kioto/Kam Hassah
[Heretic Recordings]
3 long tracks, 1 from each artist, experimental drone, and harsh noise, interesting D.I.Y. style packaging. (only one copy remaining).

Broken Diode
Screaming on the Inside
[Existence Establishment]
Twisted, abused, and squealing electronics meld to form an abrasive wall of unrelenting blistering noise. Textures range from crunchy-cut up brutality to wallowing passages of self-destructive loathing. The debut album from this Dresden based project rises from the ashes of broken towers and forms a scathing intrinsic diatribe.

Burning Star Core
Let's Play Wild Like Wild Cats Do
[Hospital Productions]
new full-length cd from spencer yeh's raging burning star core project. first track is a real one-off for bxc, sounding like the faust/conrad outside the dream syndicate action augmented with a hallucinatory judgement day brass section and a thick tar of distortion. second track is a beautiful gliss of iron-clad lung ala cale's early sun blindness sessions. killer cover art too.