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Joseph Andreoli/The Two Year Curse
[Blast Beats for Freedom]
Santa Cruz, California's Federico Avila (a.k.a THE TWO-YEAR CURSE) and JOSEPH ANDREOLI team up again for another 10 (ish) minutes each of experimental improvised sound.
JOE ANDREOLI's guitar is so effected, the signal so damaged it sounds like a glitched out fucked up computer breathing it's last breath... whirring it's last whir. He could be boning up on his mixolydian shredding skills or he could be cramming the neck of his guitar into the cartridge slot of his calecovision. Who the fuck knows? Alien shred on the fritz.
For the first time, THE TWO YEAR CURSE does a 180 and uses all analog recording devices to capture all digital instrumentation (rather than the other way around). Free improv electronic drum-kit blasts break through the seams of spastic laptop generated feedback clatter. "I nearly broke the track-pad on that fucker!". Limited to 50 hand numbered copies.

Jute Gyte
Where We Go When We
[Jeshimoth Entertainment]
Endless waves of harsh noise walls, bass drones, esoteric vocal manipulation, and destroyed guitar. Terminal and empty.
(Only 1 copy remaining)