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This is the second part of Harsh Noise 3-way split series. DARUIN, guided by Kazuya Ishigami, is rather well-known among adorers of experimental Digital Post-Industrial. 19-minutes-long track filled with action: it starts off with a Glitch prelude, streams towards schizophrenic TV-collages, trembles with piercing Digital Noise, whirls with a storm of heated noise. A 20-minutes-long track of TORTURING NURSE is recorded by duo of Youki and Junky. Wall of noisy feedbacks interrupted by guitar passages, pick scrapes and screams. STPOCOLD — project of INSTANT MOVIE COMBINATIONS, researching wastelands of Digital Noise. 21-and-a-half minutes of asthmatic asphyxia. Fine-dyspersated gravel of noise is forced through ears by howling and droning frequencies. Limited to only 114 copies.

[Love Earth Music]
Lo-fi harsh noise at it's best!

Spritual Awakening
[Love Earth Music]
Lo-fi harsh noise at it's best!
(Only 1 copy remaining)

Obscured Uniforms for Mammals
[Heretic Recordings]
"grimy sewer sounds never made more sense; a pilgrimage to understanding."
(Only 1 copy remaining)