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Cauchy Riemann/The Sleep Sessions
Endless Winter
[Abelian Groups Records]
Side A brings us some high frequency static warmed pedal noise coming straight from Poland courtesy of The Sleep Sessions. Side B brings Cauchy Riemann, with an overwhelming, crushing modular synth wall. Clear cassettes.
Only one copy remaining.

The Word...
[Jeshimoth Entertainment]
This single track offering from Chefkirk takes the listener into a high-frequency holocaust of intense noise for over 20 minutes.
(Only 1 copy remaining)

Analysis of Anxieties
[Eibon Records]
Did you ever wonder how anxieties might be percieved if manifested in a purely audial format? Well, wonder no more, grab yourself a copy of Chefkirk's analysis of anxieties. Intense schreeching high frequencied glitch-noise, wonderfully popping staic, teared up feedback and tortourous blips'n'beeps layered with micro-textures of the finest calibre, all made by no-input mixer/sp-202... Imagine angry renegade nano-viruses eating at your brain stem while overloading every single nerve cell in your inner ear while boosting your adrenocrome production and at the same time forcing you to remember every anxious thought you ever had in your entire life... Of course, some people will also find this music brilliantly pleasant, stimulating and delicious... Me being of the latter sort, I must say am very happy to release this great album on krakilsk.
(Only 1 copy remaining)

Christopher Cichocki
Elemental Shift DVD
[Table of Contents]
Cichocki’s work captures a sublime oneness with nature, but can hardly be called still and meditative. Sharing an affinity with noise artists, Elemental Shift is meticulously edited together, creating an incredibly intense visceral experience which, at points, should probably require a legal disclaimer for epileptics.
Packaged in a circular metal tin with crushed fish bones from the Salton Sea adhered to the inside lid. Limited to 250
(Only 1 copy remaining)

There Is A Smiths Fan That Never Goes Out
[Silken Tofu]
Drifting laptop drones in beautiful packaging from this Belgium label.
(Only 1 copy remaining)

Clop Neplat
[Someplace Else]
"CD1 features three long lasting, drifting, droning, obscure industrial cold ambience pieces. The noisy sounds are very experimental, as you could fairly imagine, but I like this more than other industrial-noise releases because it isn't senseless noise, but it is a kind of continuous vortical feeling moving you in a new dimension."
(Only 1 copy remaining)

Si muove e ride
[Eibon Records]
Nobody sounds and sings the inadequacy of this life like Gianni does. There's something more than mere "music" in his records and there's more than simple "poetry" in his words. I feel I could write for hours about how touching, beautiful and moving COLLOQUIO's music is, but it is frankly useless. Those who are aware of the stature of this band, will greatly enjoy. The other ones, well........
(Only 1 copy remaining)

Controlled Bleeding
Shanked and Slithering
[Hospital Productions]
"nearly 80 minutes of the most animalistic and violent industrial noise to ever crack the crust of the earth. complies and reworks early and unreleased out of print noise classics as well as brand new noise aberrations. for fans of early CB ala knees and bones and bladder bags! "