Welcome to the Existence Establishment Distro. Please be aware that we are willing to trade distro items. Click on a letter to go to the section.

Sewer Election
Raw, textured grit amid turbine electronics and harsh metalic hell, Sex / Death is devastating noise decadence from Sweden's Dan Johansson. Reissue of the speaker shredding two tape set originally released on his own Harsh Head Rituals label, the wreckage has now been remastered to appreciate every crunch and mangled detail but retain its gutter filth and power. Edition of 1,000.
"Artist most likely to restore harshhead credibility to Sweden" - Jason Soddy / T.A.D.M.
(Only 1 copy remaining)

[Ninth Circle][Self Abuse]
A thousands thoughts in one second. Hard electronics, industrial loops and a touch of personalized frenzy. This is a collection of several very personal works by SICKNESS. Containing the Scavenger Bag, and his part of the American Violence release from the Japan 2006 tour with Slogun, along with other rare tracks SICKNESS presents a very personal collection of work. For the first time presented with the the writings and art that go along with the sound he has created. A great combination to let the listener "in" a bit more.

The Rugged Meat Cleaver
[Eibon Records]
Crushing walls of white noise meet melodies, just to show the two styles aren't oil and water..... Uncompromising harsh electronics with a somehow 'musical' edge, topped by lots of samples, in-your-face lyrics and thug attitude. Featuring contributions by Brethren, Slogun and Murderous Vision. Run, darling, run. Fast. The rugged meat cleaver is here FOR YOU !!

Sky Burial
[Existence Establishment]
Inspired by the supernatural entity of Navajo legend by the same name, Skinwalker is a dark, cold, dense, swirling miasmic ambient/drone/industrial hybrid developing on the "ritual" theme of previous Sky Burial recordings. Alternatingly distant and suffocating, this recording features a heavier focus on the use of electronics and vintage synths while also incorporating field recordings, aboriginal instrumentation and percussive elements.

Somnivore & Kivelä
[New Old Sentinal]
"This collaboration album presents an auditive prophecy of inevitable journey of all gathering, coiling, swirling in spirals towards the infinity, oneness. Suspicion and perception of infinite space will thrill the listener through progression and regression of thoroughgoing ambient soundscapes. Handnumbered edition of 100x."