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[Reverse Alignment]
This productive Norweigan act released it..s debut album "House of memories" this spring on Belgian label Nothingness records and have now signed to Reverse alignment. On Anomie Taphephobia steps forward in the progress of it..s guitardrone based dark ambient and evolving into it..s own path building soundscapes upon soundscapes in a meditative/hypnotic way.

Textured Bird Transmission
Panda Heads on Staggered Crystal Seas
[Gold Soundz]
Ambient drone from the U.K.
(Only 1 copy remaining)

The S.U.N.C.D. Project
The Sun Cd
The SUNCD Project is collaboration between Swamps Up Nostrils and Cadmium Dunkel. Sharing some files back and forth, and manipulating eachothers sounds, they togheter made this album called The Sun CD. Conceptually layered around the sun, the music playfully goes around the block a few times, then shoots off towards that warm lump of hot plasma that is the center of allmost all life on our planet, and wich according to most scientists will one day consume and kill that same planet(relax though, this is somewhat in the disant future). The tracks on this record almost seem to accomplish some sort of micro/macro thing, sounding at the same time like something resembling solar winds, planetary movement, and other extra terrestrial objects and phenomena(or at least, representations of such things, space after all, is "sound proof"), to what you might expect the dance of elementary particles of various sorts to sound if you were able to translate their quantum weirdness into sound. Ranging from light hearted space ambient and esoteric solar wind surf experimentalia to deep cosmic rumbles and the vibrations from dark matter, these transmutations should be welcomed by anyone with a keen ear in search for wonderful new music.
(Only 1 copy remaining)

The Two Year Curse/Joseph Andreoli
[Blastbeats for Freedom]
Guitar and electronics free jazz/ambient noise.
(Only 1 copy remaining)

The Two Year Curse/Fat Legs
[Blast Beats for Freedom]
FAT LEGS, the mysterious husband and wife noise duo from Alberta, Canada rip out 15 minutes of beautiful female vocals, hideous male vocals, distorted keyboard damage, and zoned out electronic scuzziness.
After Fred Avila's recent forays into heavily edited, complex as fuck, mapped out recordings he gives up and goes back to basics. These are THE TWO-YEAR CURSE's most stripped down recordings yet. Slimey bubbling feedback kept at a simmer collides with non-stop brute force electronics and pissed off vocals that are more microphone feedback than human voice. Limited to 33 hand numbered copies.