Welcome to the Existence Establishment Distro. Please be aware that we are willing to trade distro items. Click on a letter to go to the section.

[Silken Tofu]
Experimental drones and glitch atmospheres with excellent packaging.
(Only 1 copy remaining)

Government Alpha
Venomous Cumulus Cloud
Long-running Japanese noise legend Government Alpha returns with his newest sci-fi odyssey, a cataclysmic adventure of volcanic blazes and time machine blasts. A six track, forty minute barrage of extremely loud electronics. Tip! Edition of 1,000.
(Only 1 copy remaining)

GX Jupitter-Larsen/Ctephin
The Shards of Turin - Second Coming
[Roil Noise]
A Brittle Substance - total running time 19:21 - collaboration dedicated to Walter C. McCrone - stenciled 3" cdr with insert in a sled jewel case
(Only 1 copy remaining)