Welcome to the Existence Establishment Distro. Please be aware that we are willing to trade distro items. Click on a letter to go to the section.

First Human Ferro
Corona Astralis
[Ukranian Dark Syndicate]
"Corona Astralis" is a consequential follow-up to the 2000 "Motherwards" CD and in the long run fundamentally represents development of the project, carefully combining early 1998-2001 death ambient/industrial experiments with recent ever generating solid electroacoustics, harsh electronica and dronesque synth multistructures, all to be ultimately finallized as integral one of the world in a grain of sand... Package - jewel-case. Ltd.ed. to 500.

Fletcher Platt
Leaking Brain Fluid
Sputtering, looping, droning noise action.
(Only 1 copy remaining)

[Self Released]
Arfihorpotis is not an album. Arfihorpotis is a work that should be considered as one piece of music. It consists of five movements, from harsh sounds to drones.
(Only 1 copy remaining)