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Evil is Too Strong
[Dark Vinyl]
Album von 2001, Orchestral angehauchter Black-Industrial, Symphonic Death Music. The apocalyptic war machine is back with supreme symphonik and occult death music, monumental, bombastic, but very destructive occult death music. After their highly praised first two releases on ADIPOCERE and COLD SPRING here the 3rd album. MELEK-THA stands for extremely monumental, orchestral and bombastic Black Industrial, added by symphonic chants; apocalyptic atmospheres and evilish sound-showers are guaranteed.

Moljebka Pvlse
[Some Place Else]
Some Place Else is proud to release the new album by Moljebka Pvlse, entitled Sadalsuud. For this album, Mathias collaborated with a number of his colleagues who provided him various source sounds to work with. The name Sadalsuud refers to a star of the same name in the constellation of Aquarius. The name comes from an Arabic phrase meaning "the luckiest of them all". Nevertheless the album is rather earthy-sounding, yet mystical and surreal, almost claustrophobic at times. The sound is vaguely reminiscent of some works by Nurse With Wound, Maeror Tri or The Hafler Trio, but carries the trademark Moljebka Pvlse feel. An unsuspecting pre-listener described Sadalsuud as "a visit to a supposedly haunted house, though only once you've entered the house you begin to grasp the real meaning of haunting."

Murderous Vision
Ghosts of the Soul Long Lost
[Live Bait Recording Foundation]
It is hard to believe that Murderous Vision has been frightening the underground electronic scene for ten years now!This double CD retrospective is testament to the productive career of this maleficent Post-Industrial beast.This album shows the shape-shifting face we have come to expect over the years from Murderous Vision and represents every style the band is known for.From Dark Ambient and Death Industrial to Power Electronics. Clocking in at 160 minutes,Ghosts is packed to the brim with rare and unreleased work spanning the years 1996-2004.Included in this collection are every compilation appearence to this date as well as all material from split releases with Kuru (Blood Brain Barrier),Acclimate (Beautiful Black World) and Black Mayonnaise (Texas Tour CDR).Also included are all the tracks from the Burning The Promised Land 3" CDR and an extremely rare (and beat driven) piece from 1996's "Ov Thee Underworld" cassette single(of which i think there were less than 10 copies).Lavishly packaged in a standard double jewel case with full color 6 panel artwork designed by Murderous Vision himself!!!This is the definitive Murderous Vision release!Limited to 1000 copies.
(Only 1 copy remaining)

Murderous Vision
The Times Without Gods
[Live Bait Recording Foundation]
Deep layers, melodic keyboards, classical samples, some ritualistic percussion here, some low-pitched echoed plus chorused voices there, and a good dose of darkness via reverb and minor chords; you already know the formula, don't you? But the fact is that, even if Murderous Vision repeats the patterns of an established genre with a superb accuracy .. and then, maybe you can infer that this is the case of a perfectly planned album, which lacks an own soul, and that's not precisely what surrounds me .., Mr Petrus demonstrates that it has an identity as a composer. And moreover, I would describe some parts of the recording as highly emotional, giving that somewhat special touch to the album; the quality all art should transmit and something that some technically depurated musicians tend to forget nowadays. Add to it a few carefully arranged pictures (layout work of the acclaimed Michael Riddick) in a standard jewel case, but with a professional appearance, and, as a whole, here you have the reasons why an edition like this couldn't keep on passing unnoticed for the average fan of the more listenable side of Industrial. A perfectly designed product and an infallible bet, which surely decided the artist to give its best in all senses once he realized what he had between hands. A moment of brilliancy and a high mark difficult to be surpassed in the near future, but that can set a new beginning for the band.
(Only 1 copy remaining)