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The very new album of Italian Power Electronics grandeur. Sublime layers of hard synthetic Noise. (Only 1 copy remaining).

Narcotic Dreams
[804 Noise]
Nightmarish dark ambient with drone and noise undercurrents. The death of god is at hand.

Il Rumore Delle Cose
[Eibon Records]
Neronoia is a cooperation between Canaan and Colloquio. ...and this should be enough, but... Neronoia is the mirror that reflects Happiness and Pain with the same, cold indifference. Neronoia is the Fear that paralyzes by its light yet relentless touch. Neronoia is all the Evil we do to ourselves. Neronoia is the palette of a blind painter, who unintentionally paints all colours with the very same shades of grey.
(Only 1 copy remaining).

Un mondo in me
[Eibon Records]
Neronoia is a cooperation between Canaan and Colloquio. ...and this should be enough, but... Neronoia is the mirror that reflects Happiness and Pain with the same, cold indifference. Neronoia is the Fear that paralyzes by its light yet relentless touch. Neronoia is all the Evil we do to ourselves. Neronoia is the palette of a blind painter, who unintentionally paints all colours with the very same shades of grey.
(Only 1 copy remaining).

[Heretic Recordings]
One guitar,one bass,one mixer,some pedals and so much desire to do nothing.
(Only 1 copy remaining).

Northern Machine
Dark to Dark/Dark Too
[HC3 Music]
"Better to bless the darkness than to light a candle." No hype. Concept: nocturnes. 2-CD set, single disk price. This is a lofty release that would be challenging for any artist to fill 2 whole compact discs with new material, but Northern Machine has given it their best shot and created a competent ambient artifact that testifies to both their persistence and thoughtfulness that's put into their sounds.
(Only 1 copy remaining).